Captain Buck’s Squat Challenge

Capitalize on this gift of extra time by increasing your leg strength. The Squat Challenge is in addition to but not a substitution for your daily commitment to movement.

Legs. Gams. Love Shanks. Beyond their visual appeal, Leg strength is one of the biggest indicators for longevity and independence.

The Challenge:

50 Squats at the top of each hour 8 Xs alternating 3 Squat Variations. At the end of the day you’ll have racked up > 400 squats. To ensure perfect your form, utilize a chair, dresser, or countertop to concentrate on that corkscrew motion of dipping into heels and returning upright.


#1 Basic Squat (targets quads & glutes)

Form: Stance should be a little wider than shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward, drop hips back into heels with your head and chest held high.

#2 Wide Squat (targets inner thighs and glutes)

Form: Stance should be a wide in a PliƩ stance, heels & toes pointed at a 45 degree angle, drop hips back into heels with your head and chest held high.

#3 Narrow Squats (dials in on quads)

Form: Stance should be in line with your shoulders & just inside your hips, toes pointed forward, drop hips back into heels with your head and chest held high.

Workout developed by Forge. Co-Founder | Owner, John Buck. Consult your physician before implementing any exercise or nutritional plan.