Key Lime Bites

Fortify your tiny hitchhikers by healing where they do the heavy lifting. 80% of our immune system resides in the gut.


•1/2 cup key lime juice

•1 Tbs. key lime zest

•2 Tbs. maple syrup

•4 Tbs. Gelatin – grass fed is king

•13.5 oz. can coconut milk, full fat

•1/2 tsp. vanilla

•1/2 cup of water


In a small sauce pan, combine the coconut milk, key lime juice and water over medium heat. Use a whisk and stir until smooth.

Add zest, maple syrup and vanilla, and stir. Remove from heat.

Slowly pour in the gelatin while whisking continuously. You’ll want to pour in the gelatin slow enough that you don’t create clumps. Whisk until smooth.

Pour mixture into silicon molds or a greased 9×9 pan. Let set in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours.

Remove from molds and store in an air tight container in the fridge.

Yields 24 servings.

Well, that is something we’ll have to remedy, isn’t it?

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