Vanilla RumChata Milkshake

Vanilla RumChata Milkshake

Dedicated to Catherine. Ingredients: •4 cups Sonic Ice (available at any Sonic 10 lb. bag ~ $2) •3 cups Milk •4 pats of Butter •1.5 cup Sugar •1 tsp. Sea salt •2 Tbs. Vanilla •4 jiggers RumChata •Chocolate sprinkles & Cinnamon to garnish Blend in high speed...
Farmer’s Market Berries & Cream

Farmer’s Market Berries & Cream

Ingredients: •16 oz. organic heavy whipping cream •3/4 cup of sugar •2 Tbs. almond extract •Whole nutmeg | microplaned Method: Add all ingredients into your stand mixer barring the nutmeg. Blend at high speed until stiff peaks form. Spoon into bowls with berries and...
Jill Trebilcock’s Fall Shred.

Jill Trebilcock’s Fall Shred.

Workout: •25 kettle bell squats •2 Knee-in Push-ups •20 yd frog jumps •20 kettle bell squats •4 knee in push-ups •20 yd frog jumps •15 kettle bell squats •6 knee-in push-ups •20 yd frog jumps •10 kettle bell squats •8 knee in push-ups •20 yd frog jumps •5 kettle bell...