This 4th of July & throughout the month of July, Forge. is honoring Coffee Bunker & the men and women who served our country. Please donate toiletries, socks, underwear, and snack packs to Forge.

Coffee Bunker is located at 6365 E 41st Street, Tulsa OK 74135 (918.637.3878) and offers veterans a place to connect, receive assistance in finding housing & jobs, legal support, childcare & so much more. 

After honorable discharge, 24-year-old, Cpl. Daniel Y. Ligon, USMC, returned to Tulsa from his second deployment in Fallujah, Iraq still at war. He raged a grueling, tar-soaked, private war with PTSD, depression, and exhaustion. On June 10, 2007, Cpl Ligon took his life. His mother, Mary Ligon has made it her passion to redeem the tragedy of her son’s devastating death by reaching out to others facing the same silent wounds of war. 

Coffee Bunker is the flagship program of SOS Serving Our Servicemembers, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non profit organization founded in Tulsa. Their mission is to “To offer opportunities that support our service members and veterans toward successful reintegration with their families and communities.”