Santa Fe Pistachio Chicken

Santa Fe Pistachio Chicken

Inspired by one of our favorite places and our family that lives there. •Meat ≫≫↠ 2 lbs. of organic chicken tenders •Wash ≫≫↠ 3 eggs + 2 Tbs. honey •Batter ≫≫↠ 1 cup of Pistachios[Heart of the Desert green chili infused] 1 cup of gluten-free panko [Aleia’s] •Method...
Vanilla RumChata Milkshake

Vanilla RumChata Milkshake

Dedicated to Catherine. Ingredients: •4 cups Sonic Ice (available at any Sonic 10 lb. bag ~ $2) •3 cups Milk •4 pats of Butter •1.5 cup Sugar •1 tsp. Sea salt •2 Tbs. Vanilla •4 jiggers RumChata •Chocolate sprinkles & Cinnamon to garnish Blend in high speed...